Why We Exist
There are 47 prisons in Ghana, including twelve major male prisons and seven major female prisons. In addition, there are local prisons throughout the country.
The prison population totals over 15,000 inmates with approximately 800 released each year. The most recent data compiled by World Prison Brief documents how the Ghanaian prison system suffers from severe overcrowding and high levels of recidivism due to the absence of rehabilitative measures and abandonment by family and friends. So severe are the hardships and conditions that it has drawn the attention of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as well as the U.S. Embassy in Ghana, who have jointly called for broad-sweeping reforms to the Ghana Prisons Service. Many souls in Ghana prisons have been rejected by their family, forgotten, and lost with no understanding of hope. Chosen Seed was established as a ministry to the incarcerated, those recently released from imprisonment, and youth who do not know the love of family in Jesus Christ.